

22 April 2024

Embuild (Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek)
Wetenschapspark 33
3590 Diepenbeek

Workshop "How to set up a Health Data Sharing Initiative"

There is great potential in large-scale collaborative efforts using health data. However, it remains challenging to kick-start these types of initiatives. This hands-on and interactive workshop will address the following key questions and challenges for initiating a project:

  • Where to start?
  • What are the key steps to go from question to answer?
  • What are the challenges that arise (in each step) and how to overcome them?
  • Who are the actors and experts required to successfully execute the end-to-end pipeline?


You can find more information about the event here, including the possibility to pre-register (deadline: 28/02/2024). For specific questions, please contact Ilse Vermeulen from the Research Group Biomedical Data Sciences through ilse.vermeulen@uhasselt.be.


Also check the symposium the day after: "Big Data in Health & Care - "The Arisal of Data Spaces"!


Organised by the University of Hasselt and ELIXIR Belgium.